Friday, March 22, 2013

Butler: 'Olympus Has Fallen' is really a tale of 'redemption'

Today News
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Butler: 'Olympus Has Fallen' is really a tale of 'redemption'

Having learned nothing from that experience, the Norks are now back, and in Olympus Has Fallen, they've targeted the White House, into which they manage to blast their way in just 13 minutes. Clearly, this sequester thing is having a more serious

If you're going to make a movie where the White House is ruined and the fate of the American government hangs in the balance, it at least ought to be fun to mind. That may sound sacrilegious—I'm pretty sure even the

Here are a few stray thoughts I had while sitting and watching Olympus Has Fallen, an also-ran action movie about the White House under (literal) attack. (1.) Oh, man, this is pretty much the Die Hard formula, where terrorists

A bloody, tense and generic return of the let's-assault-America action genre starring Gerard Butler and directed by Antoine Fuqua.

It's probably best not to reckon of Olympus Has Fallen as a movie released in 2013. Antoine Fuqua's film — about a band of North Koreans who invade the White House — feels from start to close like a throwback to the action cinema and military

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