Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why The Java Bug Is A Big Deal

All the current Java exploits come from Java (not Javascript) running in your browser. And while you can get all the way down to the root of the problem by uninstalling Java on the whole, you can also just lock it down in all your browsers, or just theIt's far from the first time that computer users have been warned to disable Java, but this latest security issue has risen to some high levels at a.In Carl Reiner's movie “Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid,” Steve Martin plays detective Rigby Riordan, who investigating the “accidental” death of a scientist. The film being filled with gags, each time the gumshoe makes his signature cup of java, he's shotIn Carl Reiner's movie “Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid,” Steve Martin plays detective Rigby Riordan, who investigating the “accidental” death of a scientist. The film being filled with gags, each time the gumshoe makes his signature cup of java, he's shotImmediately, I tried to figure out how to disable Java, starting with the Java website where, shockingly there was no mention of the Homeland Security warning or a vulnerability problem or the fact my computing life was in peril. Oracle owns Java. So I
Related External Links'Java fix will be available shortly,' Oracle Corp. says - Need to know ...NewsDaily: Oracle Corp to fix Java security flaw "shortly"Java software warning: Links to the government alert and solutions

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