Sunday, January 27, 2013

Powerful Norovirus Spreads Across...

Today News
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Powerful Norovirus Spreads Across...

A new strain of the common intestinal bug called norovirus has been spreading misery across the country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the new virus, which popped up in Australia last spring, caused 19 percent of U.S. norovirus

It turned out her son had both the flu and norovirus — and Aiello's husband became sick with norovirus shortly afterward. It wasn't long in anticipation of Aiello's daughter contracted the flu and norovirus. Aiello herself was the closing member of her family to be

A highly contagious variant of norovirus is spreading across the U-S while local health officials prepare for an influenza pandemic.

The New York Times' Charles M. Blow on the GOP's plans to discard the winner-take-all system that has been favoring Democrats:

The newest strain of the norovirus is not especially deadly, but it is highly contagious (it really started in Australia) and makes even the healthiest individuals reasonably miserable. Symptoms include dehydration, diarrhea, and projectile vomiting. The

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